P.O Box 8328-00200
Nairobi, Kawangware
0721 797671
0734 512344
0722 995294

Outreach Programs
TB Outreach
Patients receive free treatment for TB on Tuesdays
Wema is the designated center in the slum recognized by the government for TB treatment
Ultrasound Services
Ultrasound equipment is available every Wednesday for patients who need scans
Offered at the most reasonable price around Nairobi
Ultrasound equipment was donated by Patchworking Against Poverty in 2012
Immunization Clinic
Patients can bring their children in to be immunized or vaccinated on Fridays
Quick and efficient service
Growth Charting
Educating Parents
Annual Medical Camps in Kisii
Wema hospital works in conjunction with Patchworking Against Poverty (http://www.patchworkingagainstpoverty.org/) and has an annual medical camp in the rural villages of Kisii in the Western part of Kenya
Serves poor rural residents who cannot afford healthcare
Provides free diagnosis and treatments
Over the years the camps have seen over 20,000 patients tested and treated over the past 3 years
Laura Scott is one of the main contacts in this project and has worked tirelessly with Wema to provide these services and give back to the community​
John Thornton Assessment Center
Center located directly behind Wema Hospital
Still a work in progress
Will be dedicated to educating women and youth in the slum on reproductive health, life skills and public health
DYWO (Dagoretti Youth Welfare Organization)
DYWO is and organization that works with drug addicts, prostitutes, HIV infected individuals and youth involved in crime
Will focus on educating affected individuals and keeping them clean
Potential outreach project for volunteers
For more about this organization or to help them out go to (www.dywo.org)